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I couldn't find any 'reboot' images, so have some cute cats instead. Ahhhh.... |
Well, hello. It's strange to finally find you. Hidden between old accounts and forgotten websites. I had almost forgotten about you. I know you remind me occasionally -- with the occasional new likes on Facebook, but frankly I haven't been paying much attention.
2011-2012 or so, that was so long ago. Even when I tried to reboot you in 2013, it was half-hearted. I was still in a place, where running and living were not something I really wanted to do... let alone smile whilst I did it. I lost it... my joy -- it's there somewhere. Probably hidden, in those lost passwords and mothballed websites.
Now, well I don't run anymore. I haven't run competitively in four years, (it wasn't really a race then either, more of a lark around a course with cake). I haven't run at all in over twelve months. Many of the friends I had made when this site started, are in a similar situation. Life, work, kids... the world has just got in the way. The happy group of mavericks... we just got old.
And Fat(ter); Well I have. If you haven't noticed lately, there is a situation going down in the world at the moment. COVID-19. Coronavirus. I am now into month four of lockdown and my waistline is showing it. I would rationalise it by saying its the Peri-menopause, or 'I am just getting old', but it's not. I just got lazy. Very Lazy.
This week -quietly ignoring my doctor, who recommends swimming (the pools aren't open and the last time I ignored that particular advice I secured a sweet trip to New York)- I decided to start a couch-2-5K training plan.
Couch-2-5K. Yeah. I am quite humbled by that. I remember a time, (okay, it was about 10 years ago), I used to run half-marathons on a whim -- Just because I was bored that weekend. Now, I am running my first week of a plan that has me walking for the majority of the session.
But, do you know what? At least I am moving again. I am trying again. I am having aspirations, I am setting myself small goals and I looking to the future again. It's been a long time since I made a move that positive; and as you can see, I am writing again.
This is a big deal.
So here is the re... re-start of 'The Run-Smiley Collective'. I maybe only one member now, but I am always on the lookout for more. If you run (or walk, or dance, or pogo-stick, or silly-walk) am unspecified distance and you want to write about the positivity of movement but have no forum... let me know. Let's spread some "Collective LUUUURRRVVVEE' out there.
MMMWWWWAAAAHHHH. XX (<-- Socially distance kiss of course).